
Zhang's HSC Coaching: Code of Conduct 

ABN: 71 644 798 694
Updated Jan 2023  

     At Zhang's HSC Coaching Organisation, we value each member of our academic community and are committed to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment. To ensure the well-being and success of all students, staff, and teachers, we expect everyone to adhere to the following code of conduct:

1.       Respect for All: 

Treat every faculty at Zhang's HSC, including fellow students with courtesy, dignity, and respect. Value diversity and be mindful of differences in perspectives, backgrounds and beliefs. We have zero tolerance for bullying or disrespect based on race, ethnicity, appearance, or any other characteristic.

2.       Academic Integrity: 

Uphold the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity. Cheating, plagiarism, or any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.

3.       Attendance and Punctuality: 

Attend classes regularly and arrive on time. Your punctuality demonstrates your commitment to learning and respect for your peers and instructors.

4.       Active Participation: 

Engage actively in class discussions, group activities, and academic endeavours. Share your thoughts, ask questions, and contribute positively to the learning process.

5.       Professionalism: 

Maintain professionalism in your conduct both inside and outside the classroom. This includes appropriate attire, language, and behaviour conducive to a professional learning environment.

6.       Responsible Resource Use: 

Respect and care for campus facilities, equipment, and resources. Use them responsibly and report any damage or misuse promptly.

7.       Conflict Resolution:

Resolve conflicts and disagreements peacefully and respectfully. Seek assistance from staff or appropriate authorities if needed and refrain from engaging in disruptive or confrontational behaviour.

8.       Health and Safety: 

Prioritize your health and safety, as well as that of others. Follow campus safety protocols, practice good hygiene, and adhere to any health guidelines or regulations in place.

9.      Honest Feedback: 

Provide honest and constructive feedback to instructors, peers, and the organisation as a whole. Your feedback helps improve the learning experience for everyone.

10.     Community Engagement: 

Take an active role in our academic community by participating in extracurricular activities, volunteering, and other opportunities for personal and academic growth.

Violation of this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the organisation. By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to a supportive, respectful, and inclusive environment where everyone can excel.

Let's work together to create a positive and enriching learning environment where all members of Zhang's HSC Coaching Organisation feel valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.